Hourly Tutorial Session

Summer Camp Session

3 Hours

Poised Enrichment Programs Session

Are you stuck between wanting to travel this summer but also wanting your children to continue their education throughout the summer break?

Educational Advancement Group, an award-winning online PreK-8th grade curriculum, can help your children avoid summer brain drain even as they relax and enjoy their free time.

Educational Advancement Group, your children will retain what was already taught throughout the school year AND build additional skills in math, language arts, science and social studies — helping them get ahead for the upcoming year.

Virtual Online Summer School:

The Educational Advancement Group summer school program takes an entire year’s worth of learning materials and makes it available throughout the summer so that your kids can recall what they’ve learned, catch up on what they haven’t, and get prepared for the year ahead.

Educational Advancement Group can also be used for summer study as an interactive skill-sharpening tool or even to try out a new homeschool program for next year.

Test readiness – our online summer program prepares students for important tests such as the SAT, ACT, end of course exams and much more!

Filling in gaps – use the interactive lessons as a visual remediation tool for the subjects they had trouble with during the school year.

Reinforcement – ensure your student is well ahead before the school year even begins.  Because the program moves at each student’s pace, it can be used as a way to strengthen the skills of those with special learning needs or even challenge those gifted students who need extra motivation.

Lesson Expansion – empower your student with electives not offered at your school such as world languages or to take advanced classes such as algebra, geometry and more to ensure graduation success!

What Is Included In The Summer Program?

Students get individual logins and work at their own pace which can lead to more effective learning.
Parents can set the grade levels independently for each subject so students learn at their own speed.
Students can access the grade above & below for review or acceleration (excludes high school courses).
Lessons are presented in a sequential order, in small, manageable chunks.
Students can repeat lessons as many times as they need if they don’t understand a concept.
An automated system grades lessons and tracks progress making record keeping simple.
All members have access to detailed printable lesson plans and teaching tools to review lesson contents.
Detailed reporting for portfolio usage and parental support is available through our online Parent Forum.

Language Arts Curriculum for Summer Learning- Hourly Rate (Price TBD)

Educational Advancement Group’s language arts curriculum offers a great selection of lessons for summer learning. Language arts delivery varies by grade level. The preschool to 8th grade language arts curriculum is available by grade level and is organized into two sections covering Language Arts & Language Arts Extensions.

Math Curriculum for Summer Learning- Hourly Rate (Price TBD)

Educational Advancement Group’s math curriculum is perfect for summer study. It includes a combination of conceptual explanations, interactive activities and reinforcing worksheets that are presented by fun, animated characters at the student’s pace. Our lessons are designed to reduce the math anxiety that often comes when students open their textbook, and instead, help them adopt a “can-do” attitude.

Science Summer Curriculum for Summer Learning- Hourly Rate (Price TBD)

The Educational Advancement Group science curriculum is available for students in kindergarten through twelfth grade. PreK-3rd grade science is enhanced with a complete, standards-based, core science curriculum that delivers digital and real-world science experiences using the 5E’s to kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grade students.

Social Studies Curriculum for Summer Learning-Hourly Rate (Price TBD)

Educational Advancement Group offers social studies programs for second grade through high school. The social studies program for 2nd through 7th highlights valuable cultural and historical information.

Educational Advancement Group designs programs that help young people become active learners, strengthen their academic skills, and engage with their community.

Keys to our approach:

Prioritize project-oriented, inquiry-based learning to inspire exploration and student ownership of their learning experience.
Incorporate technology wisely to enhance learning and promote youth development.
Focus on collaboration in program design and learning experiences and include families and communities in your efforts.
Embed formal and informal opportunities for reflection and evaluation throughout the course of your program, involving all stakeholders to ensure you get a holistic portrait of how the program is working.
Engage youth in projects that are purposeful and designed to have impact, connected to issues that they care about.
Recognize that the good work practitioners are doing in established programs can inform and inspire others in the field.

Additional Programs:

Poised Enrichment Programs- Hourly Rate- Price TBD

Poised to Profit: A financial literacy curriculum developed for students in grades 4-12, and adults ages 18+ years old, taught by our volunteer partners in an eight-week (8) program. Volunteer partners are vetted professionals with proven success in financial management and wealth literacy. We deliver interest gathering presentations with local school systems, colleges/universities, and community organizations throughout the country. The program teaches students money basics— budgeting, checking and savings; power of credit, and investments, including foreign currency.

Poised to Serve: This eight-week (8) program of activities focuses on social literacy, community involvement and good citizenship. We learn how to be involved, how to lend a helping hand, and how to create strong, positive connections— in our classroom, with our friends, at home, in our communities, and in the world.

Poised to Please the Palate: With professionals delivering literacy and lessons in nutrition and hands-on experiences with food, we’re working to establish healthy eating habits, by exploring different types of food (shapes, texture, etc.) and participating in the preparation (and eating) of some simple, healthful recipes.

Poised to Perform and Present: This program generates the fun in the exciting exploration of culture and creativity in Arts literacy. We introduce a variety of significant artists, art forms, and modes of expression. Then, the children will be directed to create their own mini masterpieces in the styles of these art movements.

Poised to Passport Stamps: Yes, we provide literacy programs to teach and travel the globe to encourage an expanded lifestyle of cultural awareness. Our global exploration of international cultures and languages will result in experience the sights, sounds, and tastes of a variety of cultures from around the world.

Poised to have Peace of Mind: Going beyond the teaching on how to “wooossaahh” for children of all ages, this mental health and emotional stability literacy program has the goal to provide resources/tools for stress relief, and special care and guidance potential challenged kids need and deserve.

Poised to Adulthood: A hands-on mentoring program focused on personal development literacy and activities, with sessions that focus on a specific aspect of character and adulthood through highly interactive activities. Our volunteer mentors are paired with participants of all levels to be a guide and accountability partners.

Poised to a Purposed Career: This highly recognized career development literacy program is delivered by highly qualified volunteer professionals for all ages. It is designed to improve one’s earning potential and increase job skills required in today's workplace, in addition to helping students learn about career options, including entrepreneurship.


*We have what you need, including modified courses that adjust to students’ needs.  Summer Camp Sessions- Min. 2 hours and Max. 4 hours are available for $125 a week.


Additional Courses

Customized Tutorial Session Payment Method

Summer Camp Session

4 Hours Weekly

Summer Camp Session

2 Hours

Stock Market 101 for Kids

1 Hour Session, $25 an hour: Students will be provided with a Mock Investment Portfolio. 

Stock Market 101 for Teens

1 Hour Session, $25 an hour: Students will be provided with a Mock Investment Portfolio. 

Financial Literacy for Kids

1 Hour Session, $25 an hour: Students will be provided with a Mock Planner.

Financial Literacy for Teens

1 Hour Session, $25 an hour: Students will be provided with a Mock Planner.

Budgeting 101 for Kids

1 Hour Session, $25 an hour: Students will be provided with a Mock Budget Planner

Budgeting 101 for Teens

1 Hour Session, $25 an hour: Students will be provided with a Mock Budget Planner.

Create a Logo

1 Hour Session, $25 an hour: Students will be provided with sample Logo Designs.

Write a Book

1 Hour Session, $25 an hour: Students will be provided with the basics of completing a book. 

How to start a business?

1 Hour Session, $25 an hour: Students will be provided with a Mock Business Plan.